Dr. Howard Rosenbaum, Director of the Wildlife Conservation Society’s Ocean Giants Program and a member of the IWC’s Scientific Committee, is available for comment on the meeting.

Topics for commentary:
  • Critical habitats for whales (i.e. breeding grounds, feeding grounds, restricted migratory routes) need to be protected through effective national policies.
  • Other factors such as climate change, habitat degradation, and marine pollution may also affect whale populations and need to be factored into the conservation and management decisions.
  • The Southern Ocean Sanctuary (surrounding Antarctica) needs to be maintained by the IWC for the protection and recovery of whale populations in those waters.
MEDIA NOTES:    Dr. Rosenbaum is available for phone and in-studio interviews.
Stephen Sautner 718-220-3682; ssautner@wcs.org          
John Delaney 718-220-3275; jdelaney@wcs.org