Dr. George Schaller is widely considered the world’s foremost field biologist, and his conservation efforts have led him to some of the planet’s most desolate places. For years, he’s been fascinated by Chang Tang—a gargantuan region of northern Tibet where few humans reside. In a new book, Tibet Wild, Schaller refers to it as “a vision of totemic loneliness, of space, silence, and desolation.”

The Wall Street Journal reviewed Tibet Wild, noting that Schaller paints an “increasingly peopled and troubled” picture of Chang Tang after having spent more than 40 months there. The review considers Tibet Wild a “case study in protecting an obscure mammal on tricky political turf” as well as a piece of writing that reveals Schaller’s reflections on previous conservation projects.

Schaller has written numerous books, including The Year of the Gorilla, The Serengeti Lion, The Last Panda, and Tibet’s Hidden Wilderness.

Read the Wall Street Journal’s book review of Tibet Wild>>