One of the longest dispersal distances recorded for this critically endangered species

A male African wild dog, recently photographed in the Northern Tuli Game Reserve in Botswana, has been identified by scientists and last seen in April 2010 in the Save Valley in eastern Zimbabwe about 250 miles (400km) away. This is among the longest distances recorded for dispersal for wild dogs and underscores the need for large expanses of habitat to safeguard this critically endangered species.  The dog is one of two males in the same group that traveled this long distance. The discovery is the work of four projects: The Carnivore Conservation Group, The Painted Dog Project, Northern Tuli Predator Project, and Lowveld Wild Dog Project, as part of the regional network for sharing information that has been set up under the Range Wide Program for cheetah and wild dog conservation hosted by the Wildlife Conservation Society.

Photo Credit:
Wild At Tuli
Photo 1:  African wild dog in the center has been identified by scientists as an individual that traveled 250 miles – one of the farthest-known dispersals for this critically endangered species. 

Sophie Bass (212) 439-6527;
Stephen Sautner (718) 220-3682;

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