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NEW YORK (October 24, 2013)—Conservationists from the Wildlife Conservation Society and the University of St. Andrews warn that Uganda’s African lions—a mainstay of the country’s tourism industry and a symbol of Africa—are on the verge of disappearing from the country’s national parks.According to the results of a recent survey, African lions in Uganda have decreased by more than 30 percent over the past 10 years in some areas of the country, mostly the result of poisoning by local cattle herder...
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Objectifs de l'engagement : mettre un terme au massacre, faire cesser le trafic, arrêter la demande Une collaboration sans précédent visant à dépasser les statistiques sur l'extinction et trouver des solutions au problème des éléphants Le nombre d'éléphants a chuté de 76 pour cent depuis 1980 à cause du braconnage de l'ivoire ; 35 000 animaux ont été massacrés par les braconniers durant ...
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Objectifs de l'engagement : mettre un terme au massacre, faire cesser le trafic, arrêter la demande Une collaboration sans précédent visant à dépasser les statistiques sur l'extinction et trouver des solutions au problème des éléphants Le nombre d'éléphants a chuté de 76 pour cent depuis 1980 à cause du braconnage de l'ivoire ; 35 000 animaux ont été massacrés par les braconniers durant ...
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Objetivo del compromiso: Detener la matanza, el tráfico y la demanda Colaboración sin precedentes, que supera las estadísticas sobre extinción en pos de soluciones para los elefantes La cantidad de elefantes ha caído un 76 por ciento desde 1980, debido al tráfico ilegal de marfil; 35 000 elefantes masacrados por cazadores furtivos en el 2012 únicamente. Los creadores del compromiso son: Wildlife Conservation Society, African Wildlife Foun...
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An unprecedented collaboration will move beyond extinction stats to finding solutions for elephants under siege in Africa.
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Commitment’s Goal: Stop the Killing, Stop the Trafficking, Stop the Demand  An unprecedented collaboration – moving beyond extinction stats to solutions for elephants Elephant numbers have plummeted by 76 percent since 1980 due to ivory poaching; 35,000 slaughtered by poachers in 2012 alone Commitment Makers include: Wildlife Conservation Society, African Wildlife Foundation, Conservation International, International Fund for Animal Welfare, and World Wildlife Fund Commitment Partners: African P...
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Follow @JimBreheny to get first look at the news and pictures from WCS’s zoos, aquarium, and conservation work Bronx, NY – August 1, 2013 – The attached photo was tweeted by Jim Breheny (@JimBreheny), Director of the Bronx Zoo and WCS Executive Vice President and General Director of the WCS Zoos and Aquarium. A Baringo giraffe pauses to take a drink of water in the African Plains at the Wildlife Conservation Society’s Bronx Zoo. These giraffes use their long necks a...
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The future looks bleak for Africa’s lions. According to a new report, a fence may be the only thing that stands between them and extinction.
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Cheetahs taken from wild are sold as pets Ethiopia, Kenya, and Uganda will bring up issue at CITES, held through March 14 in Bangkok, Thailand BANGKOK, THAILAND (March 8, 2013) — The Wildlife Conservation Society, Zoological Society of London, and Endangered Wildlife Trust have joined representatives from Ethiopia, Kenya, and Uganda at the Convention on Inte...
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The thick-coated mountain gorilla only inhabits two places on Earth: Bwindi Impenetrable National Park and the Virunga Volcanoes in the African nations of Uganda, Rwanda, and the Democratic Republic of Congo.
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