News Releases

Andes, Amazon and Orinoco

WCS Releases First-Known Drone Footage of Wild, Critically Endangered Orinoco Crocodile (English and Spanish)

Wildlife Conservation Society’s (WCS) Colombia program has released the first-known drone footage of wild Orinoco crocodiles (Crocodylus intermedius) -- a Critically Endangered reptile found in northern areas of South America.

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WCS Scientists Provide More than 50K Camera Trap Images for Massive Study on Amazon Wildlife (English, Spanish and Portuguese)

WCS scientists working in the vast Amazon Basin have contributed more than 57,000 camera trap images for a new study published in the journal Ecology by an international team of 120 research institutions.

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Progress and achievements of the II High-Level Conference of the Americas on Illegal Wildlife Trade (English and Spanish)

Colombia was the host country of the II High-Level Conference of the Americas on Illegal Wildlife Trade, held on April 5 and 6 in Cartagena de Indias.

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WCS Presents at the II High-Level Conference of the Americas on Illegal Wildlife Trade (English and Spanish)

The Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development of Colombia, together with the Embassy of the United Kingdom, lead the organization of the II High-Level Conference of the Americas on Illegal Trade in Wildlife from April 5-6, which is aimed at joining efforts and strengthening cooperation for the prevention and control of illicit wildlife trafficking in the Americas.

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Rare Monkey Adapts to Fragmented Habitat by Dieting and Reducing Activity

A team of scientists with the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) and Oxford Brookes University found that a rare species of monkey in Bolivia has adapted to living in a fragmented forest by dieting and moving less during lean times.

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Swann Htet Naing Aung, William Ferrufino, and Fernando Ayerbe Recognized as Disney Conservation Heroes

The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) announced today that Swann Htet Naing Aung of WCS Myanmar, William Ferrufino of WCS Bolivia, and Fernando Ayerbe of WCS Colombia have been honored with a Disney Conservation Hero Award.

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Legacy Landscapes Fund Approves First Two Sites

The Supervisory Board of the Legacy Landscapes Fund (LLF) has decided on funding for the first two LLF sites in a unanimous vote: Madidi National Park in Bolivia und North Luangwa National Park in Zambia were approved as legacy landscapes of the LLF.

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New Marmoset Species Discovered in Brazilian Amazon
A team of scientists has discovered a new marmoset species in the Brazilian Amazon. The research was funded in part by the Conservation Leadership Programme (CLP), a capacity-building partnership between WCS, BirdLife International and Fauna & Flora International (FFI).
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The Legacy Landscapes Fund (LLF) -- Next Level of Biodiversity Conservation – Officially Launches (English and Spanish)

A diverse group of international stakeholders has initiated a new fund called “Legacy Landscapes Fund” (LLF) to stop the loss of biodiversity.

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TURTLE TSUNAMI! WCS releases incredible footage of mass hatching of locally endangered turtle

The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) released an amazing video showing tens of thousands of Giant South American River turtle hatchlings (Podocnemis expansa) emerging from a sandy beach in a protected area along the Purus River – a tributary of the Amazon River in Brazil.

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