News Releases

All New Boo at the Zoo Set for Weekends in October

Bronx, NY – Sept. 20, 2017 – Boo at the Zoo, one of New York City’s most cherished Halloween traditions returns to the Bronx Zoo with a new line-up of activities designed for all ages. The annual Halloween celebration will kick off Saturday, September 30 and run weekends and holidays through Sunday, October 29. A few highlights include: a Haunted Forest, Hayride, Corn Maze, Pumpkin Carving, Candy Trail, and Bootoberfest. 

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Efforts to Help Bats Survive Deadly Disease Get a Boost
New York (September 19, 2017) Research efforts aimed at identifying bat species or individual populations that may be able to survive the arrival of deadly White-nose Syndrome (WNS) received a boost this week with the announcement of $100,000 (U.S.) in new funding for cross-border bat science.
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Peruvian Government Approves National Strategy to Reduce Wildlife Trafficking

LIMA, Peru (September 18, 2017)—The Government of Peru has taken a major step in conserving wildlife species with a new decade-long plan to combat wildlife trafficking in one of the world’s most biodiverse countries. 

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Colombia Declares More Than 4 Million New Protected Hectares & Achieves Conservation of 13.31 Percent of Coastal Marine Area

BUENAVENTURA, Colombia (Sept. 15, 2017) -- Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos, Environment and Sustainable Development Minister Luis Gilberto Murillo, and Director of Parques Nacionales Naturales de Colombia (Colombian National Parks) Julia Miranda announced yesterday the expansion of the Santuario de Fauna y Flora Malpelo (Malpelo Fauna and Flora Sanctuary) and the declaration of the Distrito Nacional de Manejo Integrado Yuruparí-Malpelo (Yuruparí-Malpelo National Integrated Management District) in the Pacific region of Colombia. 

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WCS Awarded Prestigious 2017 National Science Foundation Grant for Work in the Adirondack Park

(Saranac Lake, September 15, 2017) - WCS announced today that it is a recipient of the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) highly competitive 2017 Dynamics of Coupled Natural and Human Systems (CNH) program award. WCS will receive USD 499,915 of funding for its project, “Experimental Investigation of the Dynamic Human-Environmental Interactions Resulting from Protected Area Visitation.”

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House Vote to Defund Conflict Mineral Transparency Could Imperil Endangered Wildlife
WASHINGTON (September 14, 2017) – Today’s House vote on an amendment will dramatically undermine efforts to improve transparency around the mining of conflict minerals in the DRC and elsewhere. 
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Admiralty Sound (Seno Almirantazgo) Will Be The First Marine Protected Area in Tierra del Fuego
SANTIAGO, CHILE (Sept. 13, 2017) – Chilean President Michelle Bachelet committed on September 9th to create a new marine protected area in Admiralty Sound in Tierra del Fuego. The new “Multiple Use Marine and Coastal Protected Area Seno Almirantazgo” will safeguard rich marine wildlife and the area’s rich cultural heritage, while protecting artisanal fisheries and promoting sustainable tourism.
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Sept. 12, 2017 -- The following remarks were delivered by Bronx Zoo Director Jim Breheny as he was sworn in as Chair of the Board of Directors of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums. Jim, who has worked at the Bronx Zoo since he was 14, now serves as Director of the Bronx Zoo and Executive Vice President of Zoos and Aquarium for the Wildlife Conservation Society, overseeing its five zoological parks in New York City, including the Bronx Zoo, Central Park Zoo, Prospect Park Zoo, Queens Zoo and New York Aquarium.
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Bronx Zoo Director Jim Breheny Sworn-In as Chair of the Board at Association of Zoos and Aquariums
Indianapolis, Indiana (September 12, 2017) – The Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) is announcing the swearing-in of Jim Breheny, Director of the Bronx Zoo, as the new Chair of the AZA Board of Directors.
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Sept. 11, 2017 – The following statement was issued today by the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) upon the United Nation’s General Assembly adoption of its third resolution on illegal wildlife trade. Building on two earlier General Assembly resolutions adopted in 2015 and 2016, the 2017 resolution is the most comprehensive on the issue so far. 

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