News Releases

VIENTIANE, LAO PDR (May 19, 2016) – The following statement was issued today by Deputy Director of the WCS Lao PDR Country Program Santi Saypanya concerning a significant new penal code in Lao to crack down on wildlife traffickers with increased penalties.
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WCS: New EU Ivory and Wildlife Trafficking Measures Are a Step in the Right Direction

BRUSSELS, Belgium (18 May, 2017) – WCS released a statement in response to the European Commission’s announcement of new measures related to ivory and wildlife trafficking.

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Tiger Breakthrough: Camera Trap Time Stamps Provide Valuable Data for Conservationists
(Bangalore, India (05/18/17) –Spatial capture-recapture model analysis is often used to estimate tiger abundance. A new study led by Dr. Robert Dorazio of the United States Geological Survey, and co-authored by WCS’s Dr.Ullas Karanth, however, finds that dates and times of animal detections are often not factored into the analysis. This is despite the fact that this data is available when using “continuous-time” recorders such as camera-traps.
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Climate change refuge for corals discovered by WCS scientists (and how we can protect it right now)
May 17, 2017 – WCS scientists have discovered a refuge for corals where the environment protects otherwise sensitive species to the increasing severity of climate change. The bad news is that the reefs are showing signs of being overfished and weak compliance with local fisheries laws needs to be reversed to maintain the fish that help to keep reefs healthy. 
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WCS’s Queens Zoo Helps Howler Monkeys Thrive in Belize

May 17, 2017 – Recent WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society) Queens Zoo surveys of black howler monkeys (Alouatta pigra), translocated to Belize’s Cockscomb Basin Wildlife Sanctuary 25 years ago reveal that the effort has been a great success, with monkeys now thriving throughout the reserve after going locally extinct 40 years ago.

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New York Aquarium Mural Contest Winners Announced
Coney Island, NY – May 16, 2017 – The votes are in and the people have spoken! The three winning designs for the new Education Hall mural along the Coney Island Boardwalk have been chosen. Each will install their mural on the boardwalk during the week of World Oceans Day, June 8.
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WASHINGTON (May 15, 2017) – WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society) raised concerns about a Department of the Interior order last week that could reopen offshore seismic testing for oil and gas in parts of the Atlantic Ocean. The directive follows an executive order that encouraged increased offshore oil and gas development, including seismic surveys, and reverses an Obama Administration order in January that denied such survey permits.

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Tea-Time Means Leopard-Time in India
(Bangalore, May 15, 2017) A new WCS study finds that leopards are abundant in tea-garden landscapes in north-eastern India, but that their mere presence does not lead to conflicts with people. 
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Six Pure Bison Calves Born at WCS’s Bronx Zoo

BRONX, NEW YORK – May 12, 2017 – Six American bison calves have been born at WCS’s (Wildlife Conservation Society) Bronx Zoo and four of them are now on exhibit on the zoo’s Bison Range. The calves will help the Bronx Zoo further bison conservation efforts. The calves were born to a herd of seven females and one male that arrived at the zoo from Ft. Peck, Montana in November 2016. The herd was an historic gift from the Assiniboine and Sioux tribes and was significant because the Fort Peck bison are from the Yellowstone National Park bloodline, and are among the few pure bison remaining. The vast majority of present-day bison have trace amounts of domestic cattle genes, a reflection of past interbreeding efforts when western ranchers tried to create a hardier breed of cattle. 

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Famous Tree-Climbing Lions of Uganda Roaming Farther  As Prey Animals Decrease
KAMPALA, Uganda (May 11, 2017) – Scientists in Uganda studying the behaviors of the country’s famous tree-climbing lions have found that the home ranges of lion prides in the study areas have increased over time as they search farther for diminishing numbers of prey animals.
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