News Releases

WCS’s New York Aquarium Launches a Joint Venture with Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution to Better Understand and Minimize Threats to Whales in New York Bight.
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Study on World’s Biggest Animal Finds More Than One Population  In the Southeastern Pacific
By analyzing DNA, scientists from a number of organizations, including WCS, have discovered two distinct blue whale populations in the southeastern Pacific. This information could eventually help inform the most effective protection plan for this endangered species.
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(Big Sky, MT – December 18, 2014) –Santa’s helpers are making early deliveries to the Big Sky community, and Big Sky’s bears will wake to find it’s time to adapt to a new diet—namely the berries, grasses, and insects they find in the wild. As part of an effort by Bear Smart Big Sky , a project coordinated by the Wildlife Conservation Society to reduce human-bear conflicts, deliveries of bear-resistant trash cans were initiated this week and will continue in...
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NEW YORK (December 17, 2014) –The Board of Directors of the Mitsubishi Corporation Foundation for the Americas (MCFA) has approved $1 million in support to be granted over the next 5 years to WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society) for its Amazon Waters initiative, a major participatory watershed and natural resource management initiative in Amazonas State, Brazil, and Loreto Department, Peru. Amazon Waters aims to protect fisheries, wildlife, and habitats in two major Amazonian watersheds ...
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Young seals make move to Manhattan from Brooklyn Harbor seals return to zoo after three years Species can be found in waters surrounding New York City WCS’s New York Seascape Program works locally to save marine species New York, NY – Dec. 16, 2014 – Two young harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) have made their public debut at WCS’s Central Park Zoo. It is the first time since 2011 that the species has been exhibited ...
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BOZEMAN (December 12, 2014) – In response to landmark protections of the Rocky Mountain Front and the North Fork of the Flathead River in Montana enacted by today’s passage of the National Defense Authorization Act, WCS’s North America Program Executive Director Dr. Jodi Hilty stated: “The WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society) applauds the passage of two provisions to the bill, which will help safeguard two critically important wild lands in Montana and the iconic wildli...
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Hawksbill turtles nesting success jumps more than 200 percent Poaching reduced by 80 percent Anti-poaching and community conservation efforts are paying off NEW YORK (December 10, 2014) – A WCS team in Nicaragua reported today a dramatic increase in nesting of critically endangered hawksbill sea turtles including the highest nest counts since a conservation project began there in 2000. The total nest count for hawksbill turtles in the project area in Nicaragua’s P...
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Craig Groves To Lead Cutting-Edge Science Initiative Tackling Challenges Such As Fracking, Sustainable Agriculture, Coastal Defenses, Global Fish Stocks & Communicating Climate Change Through Video Games ARLINGTON, VA. – December 8, 2014 – Science for Nature and People (SNAP) — a new science initiative producing solutions on issues from hydraulic fracturing to sustainable agriculture intensification to protecting coastlines in the face of sea-level rise — has named...
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TORONTO (December 5, 2014) – In response to a landmark decision made by the Yukon Supreme Court regarding the Peel Watershed planning process, WCS Canada‘s Dr. Donald Reid stated: “Wildlife Conservation Society Canada is very encouraged by the Yukon Supreme Court’s ruling of December 2nd, which found that the way the Yukon government unilaterally intervened in the Peel land-use planning process was ‘not consistent with the honour and integrity of the Crown.&rsqu...
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European Medicines Agency Will Soon Make Recommendation to European Commission on Use of Diclofenac in Livestock Diclofenac Use is Shown to Endanger Fragile Vulture Populations The Current Approach to Risk Assessment of Veterinary Pharmaceuticals is Flawed BRUSSELS (December 5, 2014) – The use of the veterinary pharmaceutical diclofenac in Spain is placing Europe’s vulture populations at risk and should be banned, according to a paper published by a tea...
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