News Releases

Flushing, N.Y. – July 8, 2013 – An endangered southern pudu, (Pudu puda), the world’s smallest deer, was born at the Wildlife Conservation Society’s Queens Zoo. The young doe weighed 1 pound at birth; could weigh as much as 20 pounds as an adult. The fawn is still nursing but will soon transition to fresh leaves, grain, kale, carrots and hay. Pudu have extraordinary characteristics: they will bark when they sense danger and can climb fallen trees. Although small in stature, only 12 to 14 inch...
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Bronx, NY – July 2, 2013 – A frog beetle displays iridescent coloration in its exhibit at JungleWorld at the Wildlife Conservation Society’s Bronx Zoo. Frog beetles are one of an estimated 400,000 species of beetles. The frog beetle is native to the jungles of Southeast Asia. Their back legs are large in comparison to their bodies, giving them a frog-like appearance. Their legs are covered with thousands of hair follicles to help them climb and cling to foliage. The males are larger than their...
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WCS conservationists, together with officials from South Sudan’s Ministry of Wildlife Conservation and Tourism, have ramped up efforts to protect the country’s last elephants by fitting individual animals with GPS collars for remote tracking.
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South Sudan’s Ministry of Wildlife Conservation and Tourism and WCS collar elephants with GPS/Satellite units to monitor & protect their populations NEW YORK (July 1, 2013)—With expert assistance from the Wildlife Conservation Society and funding from USAID, South Sudan’s Ministry of Wildlife Conservation and Tourism (MWCT) has ramped up efforts to protect its last elephants by fitting individual animals with GPS collars for remote tracking, a critical practice in the fight against ivory poa...
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Wildlife Conservation Society Adirondacks Program Offers Guidance for Wildlife-Friendly Development For a link to the report, click here. SARANAC LAKE (July 2, 2013) –A new brochure developed by the Wildlife Conservation Society’s Adirondack Program is available as a resource to landowners in the Northern Forest to promote wildlife-sensitive decisions in managing property and building a home. The graphically rich brochure, which introduces concepts to landowners such as potent...
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Bronx, NY – July 1, 2013 – Two roseate spoonbill chicks hatched at the Wildlife Conservation Society’s Bronx Zoo, pictured with their mother. The chicks, along with nine of their adult counterparts, are on exhibit in the zoo’s Aquatic Bird House. Roseate spoonbills have pink and white plumage, and their namesake bills are flat and spoon-shaped which help them forage for insects, plants, crustaceans, and mollusks. Spoonbills live in colonies in the wetlands in the Southeastern United States, Mexi...
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Bronx, NY – July 1, 2013 – The following statement has been released by Dr. Cristián Samper, President and CEO of the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), in response to the Executive Order issued today by President Obama that will aim to curtail forest elephant poaching in Central Africa and other forms of wildlife trafficking by dedicating $10 million for law enforcement capacity and creating a wildlife trafficking task force at the highest levels of the U.S. government, among other directives...
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Steve Zack, WCS's Coordinator of Bird Conservation, describes the impacts of climate change on the annual spring journeys and breeding habits of migratory birds.
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A new species of bird turns out to have been hiding in plain sight: in Cambodia’s capital city limits of Phnom Penh, home to 1.5 million people.
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Brown Collared Lemur, Sliver Leaf Langur, and Mandrill babies on exhibit as the summer season gets underway at the Bronx Zoo All three primate births are part of the Species Survival Plan Attached photo (#3610): The baby silver leaf langur stands is easy to spot among the adults until its coat changes from a striking orange color to silver between three to five months of age. Bronx, NY – June 26, 2013 – Three primate species have produced offspring at the Wildlife Conservation Society’s Bronx Z...
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