News Releases

Hundreds of Elephants in Central African Republic’s Dzanga Bai may be massacred WCS appeals to neighboring countries and world community to stop slaughter NEW YORK (May 10, 2013) —The Wildlife Conservation Society issued statements today following reports that poachers killing elephants in the Central African Republic had entered Dzanga Bai, which is located in a World Heritage Site. Reports from the field indicate that elephants are being shot from where scientists and ...
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Trio of mulefoot hogs are the three not-so-little pigs at the Queens Zoo Flushing, N.Y. – May 8, 2013 – The Wildlife Conservation Society’s Queens Zoo is now home to a trio of mulefoot hogs (Sus scrofa domesticus), a breed of domestic pig that is classified as critically rare by the American Livestock Breeds Conservancy. The mulefoot is different from other pig breeds in that they have single non-cloven hooves that resemble those of a mule, as its name implies. They are rare because they ...
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Vote for New York’s favorite dinosaur at Dinosaur Safari opens at the Bronx Zoo on Saturday, May 25, Memorial Day Weekend New York, NY – May. 7, 2013 – Dinosaur Safari is coming to the Wildlife Conservation Society’s Bronx Zoo beginning, Saturday, May 25, Memorial Day weekend. The new attraction will include a ride through the Cretaceous and Jurassic periods with more than two-dozen animatronic dinosaurs up to 40 feet long which move, snarl, ...
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Why are so many whales dying in Argentine Patagonia? The southern right whales that use Península Valdés, Argentina as a nursery ground have suffered the largest mortality event ever recorded for the species in the world. At least 605 right whales have died along the Argentine coast since 2003, including 538 newborn calves. One hundred and thirteen calves died in 2012 alone. The Southern Right Whale Health Monitoring Program is working with scientists worldwide to determine why the whales a...
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Conservation groups urge authorities to clamp down on black market trade Since the beginning of the year, more than 1,000 individual tortoises have been seized from would-be smugglers NEW YORK (May 2, 2013) — Illegal trafficking of two critically endangered tortoise species from Madagascar has reached epidemic proportions, according to the Wildlife Conservation Society, Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust, Turtle Survival Alliance, Madagascar Biodiversity Partnership, Turtle Conservancy, Cons...
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Honoring WCS Chair Ward WoodsThursday, June 6, 2013, Central Park Zoo, New York City New York, N.Y. – March 19, 2013 – The Wildlife Conservation Society will host its annual gala and after-party at WCS’s Central Park Zoo on Thursday, June 6, in celebration of the Wonders of Southeast Asia. WCS Chair of the Board Ward Woods will be honored for his commitment to conservation.This year’s event will highlight WCS’s work to protect wildlife and their habitats throughout the region of Thailand...
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First images of peccaries eating fish in Brazil’s Pantanal indicate a more varied diet for the species NEW YORK (April 29, 2013)—It turns out the white-lipped peccary—a piglike animal from Central and South America—will settle for fish when fruits (its main food) are no longer on the menu, according to the Wildlife Conservation Society and partners revealing the first-ever photos of fish-eating peccaries. The images of fish consumption by white-lipped peccaries were taken by Douglas Fernandes ...
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Laura Wang from Manhattan – First woman to cross the finish line (18:01)Birger Ohlsson from Mt. Vernon, NY – First man to cross the finish line (15:29) Gauthier family from Los Angeles, Calif. earns top fundraiser honors raising more than $11,000 Bronx, N.Y. – April 27, 2013 – More than 5,200 ran, jogged, and walked through the Wildlife Conservation Society’s Bronx Zoo in support of elephant conservation at the fifth annual WCS Run for the Wild – a 5K event to raise money to save elephants, t...
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With field reports indicating a new wave of elephant slaughter near the Dzanga-Sangha protected areas in the Central African Republic, WCS and WWF call for immediate action.
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WCS Expert Available To Discuss the Mass Emergence of the 17-year Cicadas Flushing, N.Y., April 24, 2013 – New Yorkers will soon observe an event not seen since 1996: The coming mass emergence of the Brood II cicadas. After spending 17 years living underground as nymphs, these large, winged insects will emerge to live out their short adult lives above ground. As many as 1.5 million cicadas can live per acre within the entire Northeast over a span of six weeks. But if they aren’t seen by the...
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