News Releases

WASHINGTON (June 20, 2012) — Today, the House Appropriations Subcommittee on the Interior, Environment and Related Programs approved an FY13 appropriations bill that would slash critical funding for some of the world’s most threatened species, including rhinos, tigers, elephants, great apes, and marine turtles. The subcommittee mark up of the bill recommends a cut of 21 percent below the FY12 enacted level for U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) programs. Among the conservation programs that wo...
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“Alternative B” Best Protects Fragile Wildlife Habitats around Teshekpuk Lake, Utukok River Uplands and Other Key Areas NEW YORK (June 19, 2012) – The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) delivered public comments to the Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Land Management (BLM) on its Draft Integrated Activity Plan and Environmental Impact Statement for the National Petroleum Reserve–Alaska (NPR-A).In the comments, WCS recommended “Alternative B,” which balances the need for ...
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New Book from the Wildlife Conservation Society illustrates how conservation-planning is evolving to prepare for climate change BOZEMAN, MT (June 14, 2012) –A landmark book released by the Wildlife Conservation Society through Island Press shows that people in diverse environments around the world are moving from climate science to conservation action to ensure their natural systems, wildlife and livelihoods can withstand the pressures of global warming. Climate and Conservation offers a...
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Businesses depend on cultural organizations to bring tourists and customers to neighborhood shops and restaurants Go to to sign the petition to restore funding to cultural organizations including the Bronx Zoo and New York Aquarium BRONX, NY –June 13, 2012– Joe Migliucci, owner of the iconic Mario’s Restaurant on Arthur Avenue in the Bronx, sent a message to City Hall today packaged in a way that is sure to get his point across – pizza boxes containing a metaphor rather ...
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A Brazilian aquarium displays discus fish, coveted for their bright colors by fish keepers around the world. With support from WCS, the Piagaçu Institute is working with local fishermen in the Brazilian Amazon to sustainably manage discus cultivation. 
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No elephants are immune from increased poaching in the Republic of Congo. WCS advocates doubling the number of guards monitoring the Nouabalé-Ndoki National Park and surrounding areas, one of the few safe havens where elephant numbers have remained stable.
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Intensive year-round program provides underserved Bronx youth with on-the-job training and a path to college and permanent employment The Pinkerton Foundation joins as an additional funder BRONX, NY, June 11, 2012--The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) and Morgan Stanley will honor the first-ever graduates of the Future Leaders program – an innovative workforce development initiative organized for underserved teens and young adults at the Bronx Zoo that encourages academic success and impro...
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NEW YORK (June 7, 2012)—The loss of 5,000 forest elephants to poachers in northern Republic of Congo over the past five years makes protected areas for Africa’s dwindling wildlife more important than ever, according to the Wildlife Conservation Society. Conservationists recommend that guard strength in northern Congo’s Nouabalé-Ndoki National Park, where elephant numbers have remained stable, should be doubled immediately to protect the park’s estimated 2,300 individuals. In addition, protecti...
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Avenue ZOO: A family-friendly production featuring Kate Monster from the Tony Award-winning musical Avenue QFamily fun includes rainforest creature parades, character appearances, and a full line-up of entertainment on the main stageJune headliners include Ferdinand the Bull, Barney™ the Dinosaur, Ms. Frizzle from the Magic School Bus®, Super Sprowtz®, Olivia™, and The Amazing Spider-ManSpecial story book reading with actor LeVar Burton of Reading Rainbow Meet Olympic gold medalist Kristi Yamagu...
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Gland, Switzerland, 5 June, 2012 (IUCN) — Increasing alarm for the fate of the two rarest rhinoceros species, and growing concern over the increased illegal hunting of rhinos and demand for rhino horn affecting all five species, has prompted President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono of Indonesia to declare 5 June 2012 as the start of the International Year of the Rhino. President Yudhoyono took this step at the request of IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) and other conservation orga...
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