News Releases

Flushing, N.Y. – June 4, 2012 – Look out Wile E. Coyote – the Wildlife Conservation Society’s Queens Zoo is now home to a greater roadrunner, an avian species known for having the fastest running speed of any flighted bird. “It is very exciting to announce the arrival of this amazing animal," said Scott Silver, Director of the Queens Zoo. “This is a very popular exhibit here at the zoo for the many people who grew up watching the famous Roadrunner cartoon. Seeing an actual roadrunner in person ...
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City Hall's plan to dramatically cut funding for WCS's Bronx Zoo and New York Aquarium by 58 percent has deeply troubled our staff and supporters. Still, we try to keep news of these worrisome cuts away from our animals. But unfortunately, it looks like word may have gotten out...and Chewy is taking matters into his own hands.
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Coquerel’s sifaka and collared lemur join the Bronx Zoo’s Madagascar! exhibit View the videos at: (sifaka) (collared lemur) Bronx, NY – June 1, 2012 – ATTACHED PHOTOS: A Coquerel’s sifaka, born this spring, clings to its mother’s back as she perches on a branch in the Madagascar! exhibit at the Wildlife Conservation Society’s Bronx Zoo. A collared lemur, also born this spring, curls up to its mother as...
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Cultural organizations, including The Bronx Zoo and New York Aquarium, are economic engines for NYC Bronx Zoo and New York Aquarium face a cut of 58% in city funding Video: “A Bronx Zoo Monkey Gets an iPad” features a tiny monkey urging people to support restoration of funding View the full video at: Visit to sign the petition New York – June 1, 2012 – The Wildlife Conservation Society released a homemade video called “A Bronx Zoo Monk...
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Zoo camps offer options for children ages 2 to 17 years oldRegister now at: Flushing, N.Y. May 31, 2012––The Wildlife Conservation Society’s Queens Zoo is offering educational camp programs for children and teens this summer. Registration is now open for the summer 2012 season. Zoo camps offer a variety of animal-themed programs for children ages 2 to 17. Junior nature lovers can choose the program that is the best fit for them—from Toddler Time for younger kids, to a thr...
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Coalition Launches Campaign to Make North American Bison the National Mammal of the United StatesSenator Michael Enzi and Senator Tim Johnson introduce the National Bison Legacy Act Public urged to take action at BOZEMAN, MT (May 25, 2012)— The Wildlife Conservation Society, Intertribal Buffalo Council, and National Bison Association today announced the launch of a campaign to make the North American bison the national mammal of the United States. The announcement coincides ...
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WCS VP for Species Conservation Liz Bennett details efforts to combat the illegal wildlife trade and highlights the urgent need for additional security forces to slow and ultimately reverse the decimation of myriad charismatic species.
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In concert with the introduction of the National Bison Legacy Act in the U.S. Senate, WCS and its partners have launched a campaign to make the American bison our national mammal.
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Researchers who discovered a prehistoric crocodile fossil have named the species Crocodylus thorbjarnarsoni, in honor of the late WCS conservationist Dr. John Thorbjarnarson. The enormous horned croc was a relative of the Nile crocodile that lives today.
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More Than 10 Million Sold Since September Debut Stamps May Be Purchased at Post Offices Nationwide and Fiscally Responsible Bill Supported by Senate International Conservation Caucus Co-Chairs WASHINGTON, D.C. (May 21, 2011) – The Wildlife Conservation Society applauded today’s Senate introduction of a bill to reauthorize the Save Vanishing Species postage stamp.The stamp features an illustration of a tiger cub and supports efforts to save species like elephants, tigers, and great ape...
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