News Releases

News from CoP27 Climate Conference: WCS Brasil and State of Amazonas Agree to Pilot Program Paying Stewards of High Integrity Tropical Forests (English and Portuguese)

WCS Brasil and the State of Amazonas agreed to work together to develop the first pilot areas for a new high integrity forest investment initiative designed to pay the stewards of high integrity tropical forests for the ecosystem services those forests provide, including their CO2 absorption, which helps cool the planet. The agreement was signed at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Climate Conference.

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News from CITES CoP19: CITES is Best Hope for Dozens of Turtle Species (English and Spanish)

The following statement is by Dr. Susan Lieberman, WCS Vice President of International Policy who spoke at a special event on the need to increase protection of more than a dozen turtle species by CITES CoP19 (Convention of International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora), which is meeting from Nov 14-25 at Panama City, Panama.

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News From CITES CoP19: Survival of Species on the Line at CITES (English and Spanish)

WCS issued the following statement today from CITES CoP19 being held in Panama City, Panama

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News from CITES CoP19: Panama Calls for Major New Protection of Sharks at CITES CoP19
PANAMA CITY, Panama (November 13, 2022) – The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), IFAW, Blue Resources Trust and Humane Society International (HSI) applaud the Government of Panama for its leadership in proposing major new protections for sharks at the upcoming 19th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES CoP19), which runs from November 14-25th in Panama City. Panama is leading an effor...
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At UN Climate COP27, WCS Urges Governments to Act For Coral Reefs

At the close of the first week of the UN Climate Conference in Egypt, WCS is sounding a global call to action for governments around the world planning for climate change mitigation and adaptation: put coral reefs front and center.

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News from CITES CoP19: WCS Investigations of Online Trade in Jaguar Parts Show Threat is Widespread

Researchers with the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) announced the results of an international investigation finding that online trade of jaguar parts are openly detectable on multiple online platforms, representing an emerging and serious threat to jaguar populations across the range of this Latin American wildlife icon.

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In Ituri Province in DRC, a Sustainable Cocoa Coalition is Shaping up to Protect Okapi Wildlife Reserve (English and French)

An expanded group of signatories, including key local cocoa exporters, on 2 November joined an innovative landscape-focused collaboration to stimulate the local economy by supporting the production of sustainable cocoa around the Okapi Wildlife Reserve (OWR), in Ituri Province.

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WCS Announces Launch of Supplier Diversity Program
New York – Nov. 2, 2022 -- WCS has launched a new Supplier Diversity Program, an initiative that enables certified diverse vendors to gain access to procurement opportunities at WCS’s zoos and aquarium (Bronx Zoo, Central Park Zoo, Queens Zoo, Prospect Park Zoo, New York Aquarium). Among the many categories of certified diverse vendors which the new program plans to engage: Minority and Women-owned Business Enterprises (M/WBEs), Veteran-owned Business Enterprises (VBEs), Serv...
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The 19th meeting of the Conference of the Parties of the Convention of International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES CoP19) is taking place in Panama City, Panama from November 14-25, 2022.

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Alaska’s Little-Known Wood Bison Subject of New WCS Film

Just in time for National Bison Day on November 5th, WCS’s Arctic Beringia program has released a new film that follows 28 wood bison yearlings released in the Alaska wilderness.

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