News Releases

A WCS study suggests that the experience of matriarchs may help herds survive in the age of climate change, when animals may have to contend with increasing drought
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Recent study suggests experience of old matriarchs may help herds survive in age of climate changeNEW YORK (August 11, 2008)—A recent study by the Wildlife Conservation Society and the Zoological Society of London (ZSL) suggests that old female elephants—and perhaps their memories of distant, life-sustaining sources of food and water—may be the key to survival during the worst of times.In particular, experienced elephant matriarchs seem to give their family groups an edge in the struggle for sur...
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Poaching and illegal logging have driven Tanzania’s kipunji monkey, discovered just three years ago, to the brink of extinction in its tiny forest home.
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A new census finds a massive gorilla population previously unknown to scientists. WCS and the Government of Congo have tallied more than 125,000 western gorillas in the northern Republic of Congo. This is great news for the critically endangered western lowland gorilla, which had been believed to number only 50,000 in total.
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A new, groundbreaking census released by WCS shows massive numbers of critically endangered western lowland gorillas alive and well in the Republic of Congo.
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For the world’s poor who live outside the borders of cities and towns, help is often scarce. A new WCS-led study identifies some 16 million impoverished people who make their homes in remote corners of the globe, out of reach of major development assistance programs.
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Study says Africa’s “kipunji” hovers at 1,100 individuals; Poaching, illegal logging threatens remaining populationNEW YORK (JULY 28, 2008) – Just three years after it was discovered, a new species of monkey is threatened with extinction according to the Wildlife Conservation Society, which recently published the first-ever census of the endangered primate. Known as the “kipunji,” the large, forest-dwelling primate hovers at 1,117 individuals, according to a study released in the July issue of t...
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Brooklyn, NY, June 30, 2008 – The Wildlife Conservation Society’s (WCS) education initiative, Teens for Planet Earth, is pleased to announce the winners of its 2008 Service Awards, which recognize teens around the world for service-learning projects that demonstrate their commitment to the environment.  Winners of the Gold Service Awards include: Kubiti Teak Plantation Group, Jasikam, Ghana; Soldiers of the Environment, Mbeya, Tanzania; Southern Idaho Squirrel Squad, Idaho, USA; and Team B....
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Exhibit Located in New York City’s First "Green" Renovated Landmark Building: The Lion House, a 1903 Beaux-Arts Jewel Look into the Eyes of a Lemur and See How We Can Work Together to Save Our Planet “Madagascar is the naturalist's promised land…There you meet bizarre and marvelous forms at every step.” Philippe de Commerson, French Explorer (1771) Bronx, NY – June 19, 2008 – The Wildlife Conser...
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The U.S. Forest Service designates the nation’s first wildlife migration corridor to protect the movement of North America’s fastest land animal, the pronghorn. These swift creatures number nearly half a million in Wyoming alone, but the proliferation of gas fields and housing development has sliced up much of their territory.
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