News Releases


WCS Co-Produces New Bison Documentary with Alutiiq Community of Old Harbor, Alaska

WCS’s Arctic Beringia Program has co-produced a new feature-length documentary film with Tribal partners in the community of Old Harbor, Alaska, titled “The Herd.”

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Alaska’s Little-Known Wood Bison Subject of New WCS Film

Just in time for National Bison Day on November 5th, WCS’s Arctic Beringia program has released a new film that follows 28 wood bison yearlings released in the Alaska wilderness.

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WCS Transitions Programs in the Rocky Mountains to Indigenous & Community-Driven Local Organizations

The Wildlife Conservation Society is pleased to announce a transition in its Indigenous and community-driven conservation efforts in the Rocky Mountains in the U.S.

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Hoofed Migration: New Science Study Chronicles World’s Great Overland Mammal Migrations
The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) along with an international team of more than 90 scientists and conservationists have created the first-ever global atlas of ungulate (hooved mammal) migrations, working in partnership with the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS), a UN treaty.
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Hurleyville Performing Arts Centre and WCS Join Forces for
Hurleyville Performing Arts Centre (HPAC) and the Wildlife Conservation Society’s Rocky Mountain Program (WCS Rockies) are thrilled to announce the launch of their collaborative project: NatureCultures, a special series opening on April 21st in celebration of Earth Day.
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New Large-Scale North American Study on Wild Bison Identifies Genetic Diversity Concerns and Solutions for Ensuring their Long-Term Conservation
In a new large-scale study of wild bison genetics, a team of scientists funded by the U.S. National Park Service and led by the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) has identified practical actions to maintain the genetic health of bison herds on federal lands, setting a foundation for the successful long-term conservation of wild bison. Findings indicate that increasing the actual or effective size of existing herds, establishing large herds, or the careful exchange of individual bison between herds, is needed to maintain the genetic diversity of wild bison.
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BISON ON THE EDGE: Scientists, Indigenous Peoples, Government Officials, Ranchers, Gather to Develop Roadmap for Rewilding North America Bison
The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) and Pueblo of Pojoaque will co-host a conference to advance a bold vision: rewilding the North American continent with the American bison. 
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Gearing Up for Reporting on CITES – A Cheat Sheet

All You Need to Know about the Aug. 17-28 Wildlife Trade Conference in Geneva, Switzerland

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WCS’s “9 for ‘19”: Nine Iconic Wildlife Species that will Actually do Better this Year
WCS scientists in our Global Conservation Program and in our zoos and aquarium issued a list of nine iconic wildlife species that are recovering in 2019 due to conservation action.
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Senate Passes Resolution Commemorating Sat. Nov. 4 as National Bison Day

WASHINGTON (November 1, 2017) – For the fifth time in five years, the U.S. Senate has passed a resolution marking National Bison Day as the first Saturday in November, which falls this year on November 4th. The resolution comes a year after bison were adopted as the U.S. National Mammal through an act of Congress. 

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