News Releases

Protected Areas Hold Hope for the Endangered Dhole
Loss of forest cover and livestock grazing activity are affecting dhole populations in Karnataka's Western Ghats.
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“WCS is grateful to Senators John Barrasso and Tom Carper and Reps. Alan Lowenthal and Don Young for their leadership on the WILD Act, and to Senators Lisa Murkowski and Maria Cantwell for including it in the bipartisan lands package. By extending the MSCF for 5 more years, the Congress is renewing its longstanding support for protecting the world’s iconic species—elephants, rhinos, tigers, great apes, marine turtles, and now tortoises and freshwater turtles.” 

– John Calvelli, WCS Executive Vice President for Public Affairs

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In Uganda, WCS Identifies Critical Biodiversity Sites for Conservation of Both Globally and Nationally Threatened Species
Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) and its partners has announced 45 sites identified to meet Key Biodiversity Area (KBA) status, global priority areas for conservation of biodiversity in Uganda. This is the first time that there has been a national assessment of KBAs across several taxa by a country in the world. “The KBA global criteria were applied to mammal, bird, reptile, amphibian and plant species to assess the KBAs, and an additional suite of nationally important sites were a...
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WCS Announces Request for Proposals for Nature-Based Climate Change Adaptation Projects
Through its Climate Adaptation Fund, the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) is soliciting proposals from nonprofit conservation organizations implementing new methods that help wildlife adapt to the rapidly-shifting environmental conditions brought about by climate change. 
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WCS remains deeply concerned with the imprisonment and now trial of wildlife conservationists in Iran. 
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WCS EU Congratulates the Belgian Senate for Passing a Resolution calling for a Strong EU Domestic Ivory Trade Ban
WCS EU applauds the Belgian Senate for passing Resolution 6-469/1, which calls on the European Commission to urgently implement a general trade ban in elephant ivory and rhinoceros horns throughout the European Union (EU).
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Scientists Look Into The Past  To Help Identify Fish Threatened with Local Extinction
Marine scientists from the University of Queensland, WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society) and other groups have developed a methodology to assess fish stocks that combines new data with archeological and historical records – some dating back to the 8th Century AD.
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WCS’s “9 for ‘19”: Nine Iconic Wildlife Species that will Actually do Better this Year
WCS scientists in our Global Conservation Program and in our zoos and aquarium issued a list of nine iconic wildlife species that are recovering in 2019 due to conservation action.
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Climate Adaptation: WCS Awards $2.5 Million to 13 U.S. Conservation Projects Implementing Innovative Approaches to Help Wildlife Adapt to Climate Change
WCS has announced 13 new grants to nonprofit organizations implementing on-the-ground, science-driven projects that will help wildlife and ecosystems adapt to climate change. 
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New York Aquarium Receives 5 Endangered Atlantic Sturgeon  To Educate Public About Imperative to Prevent Its Extinction
The New York Aquarium has received five Endangered Atlantic sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrhynchus oxyrhynchus) and has been designated a satellite research facility by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to educate aquarium visitors about the importance of protecting the historically important fish that were once plentiful in the Hudson River.
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