News Releases

Over 2,200 “Run for the Wild” in Malaysia

Over 2,200 runners and volunteers from 24 countries worldwide have Run for the Wild organized to support the conservation of orang-utans, sharks and rays -- an annual run organized by the Wildlife Conservation Society Malaysia Program (WCS Malaysia) in partnership with Swinburne Sarawak and Sarawak Biodiversity Centre.


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the European Commission announced it will produce a Communication on combating deforestation and forest degradation in 2019. Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) Director of EU Strategic Relations Janice Weatherley-Singh released the following statement:
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A Tribute to WCS’s Omer Omari Ilambu, Hugely Respected Congolese Conservationist

It is with deep sadness that we look back on the life of Omer Omari Ilambu, who died at his home after a brief illness on Sunday, 18th November 2018.

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Latin America Launches New Roadmap to Save the Jaguar

In an unprecedented global commitment to saving the jaguar, leading international conservation organizations and key jaguar range states have joined together to launch the Jaguar 2030 Conservation Roadmap for the Americas, presented today/this week at the Conference of Parties (COP) 14 of the Convention on Biological Diversity.

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Maxine, A 48-Year-Old Asian Elephant, Has Been Euthanized at the Bronx Zoo

Maxine, a 48-year-old Asian elephant at the Bronx Zoo, was euthanized today after a progressive illness. Maxine was being treated for elevated liver and kidney enzymes and had experienced neurologic deterioration and generalized muscle weakness. The decision to euthanize her today was made when she was no longer able to eat.  READ MORE...

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In Papua New Guinea, an Indigenous Tribe’s Journey to Protect its Forest
An indigenous tribe in a remote valley of the highlands of Papua New Guinea pledge to create a protected area to safeguard 4,200 hectares of primary forest on their land
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Alejandro Santo Domingo Is New Board Chair of the Wildlife Conservation Society

Alejandro Santo Domingo, a Colombian-American financier and philanthropist, is the new Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Wildlife Conservation Society.

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The Rising Threat to Jaguars from the Demand for Their Body Parts

A new report on jaguars from WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society) warns of a rising demand for teeth, claws, skins and other body parts which could imperil jaguars in the same way tigers are threatened across Asia.

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Creation of Ogooue-Leketi National Park

Her Excellency Rosalie Matondo, the Republic of Congo’s Minister of Forestry Economy, the US Ambassador, Todd Haskell, the Director of the Wildlife Conservation Society’s Congo program, and local authorities gathered in Sibiti in the Lekoumou Department to create, by official decree, Congo’s fifth national park - the Ogooué-Leketi National Park.

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Breaking: Honduran Government Announces Unprecedented Commitment to Protect Ancient City and Surrounding Rainforest
Honduras’s Moskitia region is a place of legend, the site of the recently uncovered ancient city—the White City—and one of the planet’s last strongholds for an incredible diversity of wildlife. Yesterday, Nov. 8, Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernández and the minister of the Institute of Forest Conservation (ICF) Director Arnaldo Bueso announced the government’s commitment to protecting the Moskitia and its people with an initiative called SOS Honduras: St...
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