News Releases

Interactive family show is free with the price of zoo admission Sunday, September 19, 2:00 p.m. New York, NY: CAT: The Opera Musical, an interactive, family-friendly performance, is coming to the Wildlife Conservation Society’s Central Park Zoo at 2:00pm on Sunday, September 19. CAT is an opera-musical about a cat that becomes transfixed and transformed by the world of letters. Written by author George Plimpton, composed by Kitty Brazelton, and directed by Grethe B...
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Campaign will build city-wide coalition to educate New Yorkers about the economic and educational value of culture while investing in the futurCulture generates $5.8 billion in economic impact Poll: 82 percent of New York City voters support allocating one percent of city budget to cultureVisit:   New York – Sept. 7, 2010 – New York City’s non-profit cultural organizations – the small, medium, and large – in all five boroughs and in all city council districts ...
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Celebrate a New York Halloween tradition at WCS's Bronx Zoo Safe, family-friendly activities include: Haunted Safari, Lost Hayride, pumpkin carving demonstrations, music, magic, and MORE Boo at the Zoo festivities run every weekend in October October 1-3, 9-11, 16-17, 23-24, 30-31 New York – September 2, 2010 – Boo at the Zoo returns to the Wildlife Conservation Society’s Bronx Zoo every weekend in October with new and exciting entertainment and activiti...
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Wildlife Conservation Society-led census boasts record numbers for vultures NEW YORK (September  2, 2010)—While vultures across Asia teeter on the brink of extinction, the vultures of Cambodia are increasing in number, providing a beacon of hope for these threatened scavengers, according to the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) and other members of the Cambodia Vulture Conservation Project. Researchers report that record numbers of vultures have been counted in Cambodia’s annual v...
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Hundreds of pounds of illegal wildlife from more than a dozen species seized in restaurants by authoritiesWCS helped organize major enforcement campaign    NEW YORK (September 2, 2010) – Hundreds of pounds of illegal wildlife from nearly 20 species were seized from restaurants in the largest enforcement campaign of its kind in Vietnam’s Lam Dong Province, the Wildlife Conservation Society reported today. More than 100 officers from the Lam Dong Forest Protection Department (FPD) swept thro...
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Researchers report record numbers of vultures in Cambodia after a drug nearly wiped out these scavenging birds in Asia.
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WCS scientists upgrade camera-trap research by developing huge virtual photo albums of species living in large landscapes.
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“Wildlife Picture Index” can be used in savannahs and forests around the world, tracking long term population trends of large mammals and rare wildlifeWCS-led study has major implications for future monitoring of wildlife across broad landscapes NEW YORK (August 31, 2010) – With a simple click of the camera, scientists from the Wildlife Conservation Society and Zoological Society of London have developed a new way to accurately monitor long-term trends in rare and vanishing species over...
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WCS launches the New York Seascape Initiative to conserve the Atlantic's marine life and habitats from Montauk, Long Island to Cape May, New Jersey.
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Sharks and skates, horseshoe crabs, river herring, sea turtles, whales, and other threatened species will be focus of programMore than 20 million people live locally within 10 miles of the Atlantic, which sparks more than $14.3 billion in economic activities in New York State aloneConservation initiative is part of major transformation of historic aquarium Brooklyn, N.Y., Aug. 29, 2010 – The Wildlife Conservation Society’s New York Aquarium announced today the launch of the New Yo...
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