News Releases

Inventor Diego González Zevallos, with funding from WCS, has created a simple warning system for birds at sea that draws inspiration from the rules of the road.
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A WCS study finds that the prospects of coral reefs in the age of climate change have improved. Reefs living in sites with variable temperatures are better able to survive warm water.
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WCS ornithologists are discovering that New York City is bug heaven for hungry songbirds passing through on their way to northern breeding and southern wintering grounds.
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In the longest running study of its kind, WCS scientists found that to maintain a healthy coral reef, heavily exploited fish need a long break from nets and lines.
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It’s more than a fashion statement. The latest trend in African jewelry design takes its raw material from snares once used to trap wildlife. And its salesmen are the poachers who laid the snares.
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Despite a decades-old conflict, wildlife populations are thriving in Southern Sudan, where WCS conservationists have tracked astonishing numbers of antelope, elephants, and other migrants.
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Four conservationists working on WCS-supported projects in South America’s last wild places have earned Whitley awards for their efforts to find win-win solutions for people and wildlife.
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During an aerial survey to assess levels of poaching in Chad’s wet season, WCS conservationist Mike Fay found that elephants who went in search of forage outside Zakouma National Park paid the exit fee with their lives.
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The Bronx Zoo is giving refuge to a young snow leopard orphan abandoned in Pakistan. The transfer of this endangered cat united the Pakistani government, the U.S. State Department, and WCS in a remarkable conservation effort.
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A novel partnership between fishermen of the Ayeyarwady River in Myanmar and an endangered river dolphin guarantees a good catch for the fishermen. By establishing a protected area along a stretch of the river, the government of Myanmar is helping to safeguard this unique cultural tradition.
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